
Eagle Vision

Eagle have a keen eye on focusing on its pray. The prey mostly opposite... Why?

Poor kitty

Deforestation have change most of animals natural habitat. That's why some of the animal, like this tiger can be seen in human territories

Sharp Eye

Human eyes is a complex organs which mostly compose of liquid inside it.

Tiny and deadly

Virus is the smallest cell in this universe. A single can reproduce many in just minutes!

Just be Happy

Human interaction is good if you do it in a proper way, because it help human body to be less stressful and maintaining internal environment.

Monday, December 17, 2012


Here are some question you need to answer after completing the lesson of Variation:
note: Please answer the question first before open the answer. Be honest to yourself.

Please click on here to have a lesson first on Variation

1. What is Variation?

The difference between two individuals inside the same species
2. Give examples of non-continuous variation

Tongue roll, fingerprint
3. Mutation also occur in variation. What is it affect from?

Both genetics and environment
4. The difference of this variation is less obvious. So the type of this variation is:

Continuous variation
5. Syndrome down person can be see clearly from their faces. This happen because of

Random combination of chromosome
6. Is it true that there are at least two person are TOTALLY look alike in this world?

False. There are NO two human being 100% look-alike
7. People living in the are of North Pole (i.e Greenland and northern Rusia) have a white skins, meanwhile people living in Africa have ebony skins. Why can this happen?

They are effected by the environment
8. Does variation only occur in a certain places?

No. Variation happens in all places in the world
9. One of continuous variation is height. Give another examples.

10. What are/is the importance of having variation?

Help species to survive in a changing environment.


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